Altar'd State


Swim Along With Us

April 21, 2021
Stand Out For Good is more than just what we do, it’s who we are. On this Earth Day and every day moving forward, at Altar’d State and A’Beautiful Soul we are committed to doing better little by little, day by day for the place we call home…our beautiful Earth. This summer, our waterways, beaches and oceans are at the top of our thoughts as we are focusing our give back efforts on the protection and conservation of this most vital necessity for life. As integral components of this commitment and pledge, our Mission Monday Campaign will donate 10% of Mondays' net proceeds in all of our boutiques and online to charities focused on cleaning up our waterways and beaches across the country. In addition, all of our associates across the U.S. will be volunteering to clean up bodies of water in our communities now through July 5th– with the plan to surpass over 8000 dedicated volunteer hours!.
Our Summer Altar’d State Window art installations pay homage to this very mission. When we began designing this window, the anticipation for what Summer 2021 might bring us was exciting to daydream about…the idea of warm weather, getting outside, and maybe even going on a vacation after being cooped up at home the past year was something we thought most of our guests would be able to relate to – after all, who hasn’t been day dreaming of an escape? With tropical havens on the mind, the team drew inspiration directly from vibrant and complex coral reefs. What better way to flee our current reality than diving deep beneath the waves, and admiring the beauty of the ocean floor; the unique shapes of the tall and skinny tube sponge coral, the bioluminescent fire coral that light up the deepest depths of the sea and all the fish who flourish amongst the coral reef. We also thought…what if all of this goes away? we realized too, that it just might – and we all have a role to play in making sure this does not happen!
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission


This under the sea landscape, which covers a large percentage of Earth, was re-created in our windows and was crafted using simple, everyday up-cycled materials. We leaned into a vivid, optimistic color palette with bright pinks and coral pops that frame an underwater world to explore and to cherish. The fish, a striking yellow, their sequin scales glittering in the afternoon sun, provide a touch of beauty and perhaps a smile, something we could all use a little more of these days. Our hope is that when you see our vibrant underwater windows this season, it transports you, but also reminds you…with God’s beauty, comes great responsibility.

We invite you to swim along with us on our water mission this season.

#AltardState #StandOutForGood