Altar'd State


Back to School Bash

September 14, 2020
Recently, our Altar’d State Home Office had the opportunity to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee on their first ever Back To School Bash.
Several of us spent the day organizing, packing and distributing donated school supplies to Little Sisters and Brothers as they prepared for the upcoming school year. While this school year looks different to all of us…the excitement of getting the needed school supplies and picking and choosing favorite colors and designs was still evident as the kids came with their Big Brothers and Sisters and Family Members to the downtown Knoxville headquarters of Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee.

Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
While masks are mandated in Knox County, Tennessee, smiles could still be felt all around as all of us came together in this part of the tradition of “going back”. From Kindergartners to High School Seniors; whether attending school in-person, virtually or a hybrid approach this year, all came throughout the day for supplies. We were all excited to be a part of this very important effort.

Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission

Thanks so much to Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee for what you do for all the “littles” and all of the rest of us as well who call this land home.#StandOutForGood